Fr. Robert P. Imbelli, STL, Ph.D.

Father Robert P. Imbelli, STL, Ph.D., is an award-winning theologian and an Associate Professor Emeritus of Theology at Boston College, where he taught systematic theology for nearly 30 years. During the years of the Second Vatican Council, Fr. Imbelli studied in Rome, where he was ordained a priest in 1965 and received an S.T.L. from the Gregorian University in 1966. After earning his Ph.D. in systematic theology from Yale University in 1972, he taught at the New York Archdiocesan Seminary and the Maryknoll School of Theology. In 2017, he was a visiting scholar at Seton Hall University, and he has been a visiting lecturer at Princeton Theological Seminary and Fordham University.Fr. Imbelli is the author of Rekindling the Christic Imagination: Theological Meditations on the New Evangelization (Liturgical Press, 2014) and the editor of Handing on the Faith: The Church’s Mission and Challenge (Crossroad, 2006), both of which received awards from the Catholic Press Association. His numerous articles and reviews have appeared in The New Dictionary of Theology and such journals as Theological Studies, The Thomist, Communio, Worship, Commonweal, and America.
Praise for Father Imbelli
“Robert Imbelli is one of the most intelligent, creative, and inspiring writers on the theological scene today. Like Joseph Ratzinger, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Romano Guardini, he combines high intelligence with a keen aesthetic sensibility. Whatever he writes is worth reading.”
– Robert Barron,Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles
“Father Robert Imbelli’s Christic Imagination series underscores his embrace of Jesus Christ with his priestly heart and acute theological mind. Years of profound study and contemplation of Scripture, the Fathers, the Councils, the liturgy, and contemporary thinkers—as well as a deep appreciation of the best in the Christian artistic and literary traditions—buttress in a non-obtrusive way his exposition of Christianity’s heart.”
– Fr. Harvey D. Egan, S.J., D.Theol.Emeritus Professor of Systematic and Mystical Theology at Boston College
“Fr. Robert Imbelli has the rare the ability to hold multiple subjects together in a natural balance without losing importance nuances. Few people could treat a subject as vast as Christ and the imagination. He does so with a calm mastery and constant insight that enlightens and inspires at every point.”
– Dr. Robert Royal,President of the Faith & Reason Institute
“Father Robert Imbelli has been a leading theological voice in the American church for a number of years, and we have always been proud to include him the pages of America magazine. His insight, thoughtfulness and generosity of mind and heart are in every frame of this important program.”
– Fr. Matt Malone, S.J.,President & Editor in Chief, America Media
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