Prof. Gerald D. Griffin, Ph.D.

Prof. Gerald D. Griffin is an award-winning professor and expert on behavioral neuroscience. He received the Janet L. Andersen Excellence in Teaching Award at Hope College and was selected as an Emerging Scholar by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education Magazine (2019). Prof. Griffin earned his doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania as a student in the Neuroscience Graduate Group. During his time as a graduate student and postdoctoral researcher, he authored six publications in the area of behavioral neuroscience and obtained several awards from national research entities such as the Endocrine Society and the National Institutes of Health. Before coming to Hope College, Prof. Griffin taught at Tuskegee University. As a faculty member, he has published more than ten articles with his students, mentored many others, and participated in science education outreach opportunities such as Brain Bee and Kids Judge! Neuroscience.
Praise for Gerald Griffin
“Dr. Gerald Griffin is an excellent facilitator in and outside of the classroom. He is innovative and passionate about student learning and success. We worked together and created our department’s first NeuroBeat Cafe, a journal club for undergraduates to explore the intersection of neuroscience and cardiovascular physiology. His innovation was responsible for the creation of the first-year undergraduate Cell and Genetic Biology debates. He taught a neuroscience course and remained after hours for weekly tutorial sessions. We co-mentored Ph.D. students who are traditionally underrepresented in STEM. These students are completing postdocs and Dr. Griffin was an integral component of their success story.”
– Chastity N. Bradford, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology, Tuskegee University
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