Rev. Harry Cain, S.J., LST, and Virginia Blass, D.Min.

Rev. Harry Cain, S.J., brings a lifetime of ministry in spiritual direction and retreat work to his teaching. Rev. James Martin, S.J., best-selling author of The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything and My Life with the Saints, said, “Harry Cain, S.J., is one of my favorite Jesuit spiritual directors: awake, attentive, and aware. Years ago he helped me through a tough time with his wise advice and caring manner. To listen to these tapes is to listen to a truly gifted spiritual guide.” Rev. Cain has served as national director of the Movement for a Better World team, with whom he preached throughout the U.S. from 1970 to 1974. His preaching style is known for its wit, wisdom, and humor. He is a Jesuit of the New England Province and was ordained in 1963.
Virginia Blass, D.Min., has more than 25 years of experience in retreat ministry and teaching. Her latest book is Becoming Like the Beloved. She is also the author of Loaves and Fishes: From Faith Experience to Empowered Community, which addresses social outreach and discernment issues related to parish life. Virginia Blass has also founded a non-profit, charitable organization called Concordia to make retreat direction more accessible to rural parishes.
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