Changing Your Perspective: The Science of Drugs, the Brain, and Behavior

Podcast-style audio course - 15 Topics
Length: 5 hrs and 59 mins
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How do psychoactive drugs actually work?

From Bud Lite and Ritalin to LSD and barbiturates, chemical substances alter our brains and behaviors in surprising ways. In 15 masterful lectures, this audio course takes you on a fascinating tour of the major categories of psychoactive drugs.

As you explore the neuroscience and psychology behind these drugs, you’ll discover their benefits and risks. Like most thoughtful persons, you know how prevalent psychoactive drugs such as alcohol, antidepressants, cannabis, and opioids are in our society. Now is your opportunity to become a more informed friend, parent, or patient.

Modern science has illuminated our understanding of the chemistry and physiology of the nervous system. An expert in psychopharmacology, Prof. Thomas Borowski helps you survey the surprising physiological, molecular, and behavioral/cognitive effects of common psychoactive drugs. What are their therapeutic effects, side effects, and long-term effects on the brain?

By the end of the series, you will have a strong foundation of knowledge about the way drugs react with the nervous system, the main categories of drugs used to treat neuro

How do psychoactive drugs actually work?

From Bud Lite and Ritalin to LSD and barbiturates, chemical substances alter our brains and behaviors in surprising ways. In 15 masterful lectures, this audio course takes you on a fascinating tour of the major categories of psychoactive drugs.

As you explore the neuroscience and psychology behind these drugs, you’ll discover their benefits and risks. Like most thoughtful persons, you know how prevalent psychoactive drugs such as alcohol, antidepressants, cannabis, and opioids are in our society. Now is your opportunity to become a more informed friend, parent, or patient.

Modern science has illuminated our understanding of the chemistry and physiology of the nervous system. An expert in psychopharmacology, Prof. Thomas Borowski helps you survey the surprising physiological, molecular, and behavioral/cognitive effects of common psychoactive drugs. What are their therapeutic effects, side effects, and long-term effects on the brain?

By the end of the series, you will have a strong foundation of knowledge about the way drugs react with the nervous system, the main categories of drugs used to treat neuropsychiatric disorders, and what these drugs have taught us about treating mental disorders.

Join Prof. Borowski and gain practical information about a hot topic in our culture.

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  • Pharmacokinetics: How Drugs Move in Your Body
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  • Alcohol and the Brain
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  • Antipsychotics and Schizophrenia
  • Anti-Anxiety Drugs
  • Future Developments in Psychopharmacology


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