3,000 Years of Judaism in 30 Days: Understanding Jewish History, Beliefs, and Practices

Podcast-style audio course - 30 Topics
Length: 12 hrs and 48 mins
Wayne State University
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Judaism is not only a religious faith but also a set of beliefs, practices, symbols, and institutions. More than that, it’s a civilization and culture of a people both diverse and united by a history of exile and perseverance.

Explore the storied history, texts, and traditions of one of the world’s oldest living religions and civilizations. As an award-winning professor and an observant Jew, Howard Lupovitch brings a wealth of knowledge to his audio course on Judaism. With the balanced perspective of a scholar, he guides you through its rise, development, and diversification. Under his tutelage, you will also discover the fascinating differences and similarities between Judaism and other Abrahamic faiths.

Starting with a general introduction, you’ll establish a contextual framework and learn essential vocabulary. Prof. Lupovitch then takes you on a journey through the history of Judaism in three sections:

  • Ancient Israel: Examine the Hebrew Bible, the concept of diaspora, and the origins of Jewish beliefs.
  • Judaism’s Emergence as a Way of Life: Learn why Rabbinic Judaism became the religion’s dominant form

    Judaism is not only a religious faith but also a set of beliefs, practices, symbols, and institutions. More than that, it’s a civilization and culture of a people both diverse and united by a history of exile and perseverance.

    Explore the storied history, texts, and traditions of one of the world’s oldest living religions and civilizations. As an award-winning professor and an observant Jew, Howard Lupovitch brings a wealth of knowledge to his audio course on Judaism. With the balanced perspective of a scholar, he guides you through its rise, development, and diversification. Under his tutelage, you will also discover the fascinating differences and similarities between Judaism and other Abrahamic faiths.

    Starting with a general introduction, you’ll establish a contextual framework and learn essential vocabulary. Prof. Lupovitch then takes you on a journey through the history of Judaism in three sections:

    • Ancient Israel: Examine the Hebrew Bible, the concept of diaspora, and the origins of Jewish beliefs.
    • Judaism’s Emergence as a Way of Life: Learn why Rabbinic Judaism became the religion’s dominant form and established the pillars of Jewish customs.
    • Modern Challenges: Study different denominations and labels as well as debates on Jewish identity.

    Whether your interests lie in history, interreligious understanding, or culture, this course will enlighten and entertain you.

    This course was previously published as Judaism: History, Beliefs, and Practices

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  • Introduction: What Is Judaism?
  • Biblical Matrix: Brit and Kedusha [Covenant and Holiness] and the Jewish Notion of God
  • The Prophetic Critique
  • Exile, Diaspora, and the Messianic Return to Zion
  • The Sects: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes
  • “Rebecca’s Children”: Jews, Christians, and the Parting of the Ways
  • The Rabbis and the Rabbinic Canon: Midrash and Mishnah
  • The Talmud and the Rabbinic Imagination
  • Judaism Encounters Islam
  • Maimonides and His Critics
  • Ashkenazic Jews and the World of Medieval Christendom
  • Daily Life: Prayer, Study, Kashrut
  • Holiness of Time: Shabbat, Holidays, Life Cycle
  • Mystical Judaism: The Zohar, Lurianic Kabbalah, and Sabbatean Heresy
  • Tradition Re-Invigorated I: Hassidic Judaism
  • Tradition Re-Invigorated II: The Misnagdim and the Lithuanian Yeshiva
  • Confronting Modernity: Baruch Spinoza and Moses Mendelssohn
  • Reform Judaism and the Reform of Judaism
  • Orthodoxy Judaism I: German Neo-Orthodoxy
  • Orthodox Judaism II: Hungarian Ultra-Orthodoxy
  • Classical Reform and the End of “Kitchen Judaism”
  • Secular Judaism I: Zionism and the Rebirth of Hebrew
  • Mizrachi Zionism and Haredi Piety
  • Secular Judaism II: Jewish Socialists and the Yiddish Revival
  • Conservative Judaism: Middle Ground or Muddled Ground?
  • Mordechai Kaplan and the Reconstruction of Judaism
  • After the Holocaust: Neo-Hasidism, Humanism, and Spiritual Renewal
  • Contemporary Debates I: The Role of Women in Jewish Life
  • Contemporary Debates II: Conversion, Intermarriage, Patrilineal Descent
  • Conclusion: Judaism in the Twenty-First Century


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