Abraham’s Children: Interfaith and Interreligious Dialogue Between Christians, Jews, and Muslims

Podcast-style audio course - 21 Topics
Length: 8 hrs and 48 mins
The Catholic University of America
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How does the term “Abrahamic religions” shape your idea of three major world religions?

This 21-lecture course uses the shared heritage of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as a springboard for interfaith dialogue. As you progress through the course, you’ll explore the ways in which this conceptual framework promotes peace and understanding while recognizing difference.

Reframing an old idea, the concept of “Abrahamic religions” endeavors to improve Christian–Muslim relations by patterning them after 20th-century Jewish–Christian dialogues.

But Prof. Wilhelmus “Pim” Valkenberg, Ph.D., notes the tendency for these dialogues to get “too cozy.” He advocates for holding a trialogue instead. In this series, you will begin each discussion by exploring the history of contested relationships among these religious traditions. You will then examine contemporary interreligious endeavors to ameliorate such conflicts. Throughout, you will gain important insights into the commonalities, differences, and opportunities for improved understanding among these three religions.

Today, attitudes toward the shared relationship to Abraham among Christians, Jews, and Muslims is much more positive than in earlier times. As your guide to this sensitive subject, Prof. Valkenberg sets a calm and measured example. You’ll come

How does the term “Abrahamic religions” shape your idea of three major world religions?

This 21-lecture course uses the shared heritage of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as a springboard for interfaith dialogue. As you progress through the course, you’ll explore the ways in which this conceptual framework promotes peace and understanding while recognizing difference.

Reframing an old idea, the concept of “Abrahamic religions” endeavors to improve Christian–Muslim relations by patterning them after 20th-century Jewish–Christian dialogues.

But Prof. Wilhelmus “Pim” Valkenberg, Ph.D., notes the tendency for these dialogues to get “too cozy.” He advocates for holding a trialogue instead. In this series, you will begin each discussion by exploring the history of contested relationships among these religious traditions. You will then examine contemporary interreligious endeavors to ameliorate such conflicts. Throughout, you will gain important insights into the commonalities, differences, and opportunities for improved understanding among these three religions.

Today, attitudes toward the shared relationship to Abraham among Christians, Jews, and Muslims is much more positive than in earlier times. As your guide to this sensitive subject, Prof. Valkenberg sets a calm and measured example. You’ll come away with a sophisticated and nuanced perspective of the “family resemblances” among Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

As Abraham was called by God, so as children of Abraham are Christians, Jews, and Muslims called to cooperate for the good of humankind.


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