How to Teach 101: A Guide for Teachers, Parents, and Managers

Podcast-style audio course - 15 Topics
Length: 6 hrs and 13 mins
Loyola University Chicago
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Debunk common education myths and gain confidence in your teaching with an award-winning professor.

Whatever your occupation, you are a teacher and a student. As many of us learned the hard way during the pandemic, teaching can be complex and challenging. Parents were forced to take over many teaching responsibilities when their kids’ schools closed. Professionals in all fields had to teach themselves how to completely revamp their work lives, and organizations had to teach their employees how to adopt new technologies and use them effectively. Indeed, the vast majority of us recently had a bright light shown on exactly how difficult—as well as how valuable—it is to teach effectively.

The recipient of the Master Teacher Award at Loyola University Chicago, Professor Everitt shows you how to do just that in this masterful audio course. Informed equally by his own experience as a teacher at all levels and his extensive scholarship on education, his 15 wise and warm lectures offer invaluable insight into key practical and philosophical facets of teaching. Topics include:

    • how to successfully design a course
    • how key pedago

      Debunk common education myths and gain confidence in your teaching with an award-winning professor.

      Whatever your occupation, you are a teacher and a student. As many of us learned the hard way during the pandemic, teaching can be complex and challenging. Parents were forced to take over many teaching responsibilities when their kids’ schools closed. Professionals in all fields had to teach themselves how to completely revamp their work lives, and organizations had to teach their employees how to adopt new technologies and use them effectively. Indeed, the vast majority of us recently had a bright light shown on exactly how difficult—as well as how valuable—it is to teach effectively.

      The recipient of the Master Teacher Award at Loyola University Chicago, Professor Everitt shows you how to do just that in this masterful audio course. Informed equally by his own experience as a teacher at all levels and his extensive scholarship on education, his 15 wise and warm lectures offer invaluable insight into key practical and philosophical facets of teaching. Topics include:

        • how to successfully design a course
        • how key pedagogical traditions developed
        • what role emotions play in teaching, and
        • why reflection matters in teaching and learning.

      Whether you’re teaching in the classroom, the workplace, or at home, these lectures will allow your inner educator to flourish.


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